Foot Orthotic Prescription
SUMMARY: This program will demonstrate the current knowledge on functional foot orthotic use, prescription and research outcomes which will guide quick effective clinical decision making for positive patient outcomes. Clinical integration and patient management is discussed. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendees will be provided with current research knowledge on foot orthotic outcomes, research limitations, and application principles base on research studies. They will understand the characteristics and feature options available in orthotic devices and how these characteristics affect its therapeutic outcomes. Additionally, they will gain knowledge to determine if foot orthotics are a useful therapeutic tool based on specific patient exam findings. Kinesiology Taping - Research Basis and Application Basics: SUMMARY: The program will demonstrate the current knowledge and limitations of kinesiology tape research, and how to apply this research for clinical decision making in positive patient outcomes. Kinesiology Tape gained skyrocketing popularity during the 2008 Beijing Olympics when athletes dawned the colorful tape to the dismay of media commentators. Medical expert stated it was simply a placebo effect. Since that time hundreds of studies have been performed. This program will review recent research and distill patterns and lessons learn from the studies. Both positive and negative studies will be evaluated. Equally as important as knowing when to apply kinesiology tape is understanding when it is not effective and why. Fortunately, there is shocking research showing the significant changes I can be achieved with quick and simple applications. This program will provide an opportunity for simple hands-on applications as well as a demonstration of comprehensive approach is that is used with elite athletics. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendees will be provided with current research knowledge on kinesiology taping, research limitations, and application principles base on research studies. They will understand physical characteristics of kinesiology tape and how these characteristics affect its application and therapeutic capability. Additionally, they will gain knowledge to determine if kinesiology taping is a suitable therapeutic tool based on specific patient characteristics. The learner should understand that any therapeutic and/or performance intentions of kinesiology taping research as to its benefits is still ongoing. Level 1: Hitting the Target SUMMARY:Demonstration and practice of basic regional based applications for doctor and patient home teaching program. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendee will learn taping techniques through a multi-step process for each application. The process will include for each specific taping application: • Description of therapeutic intent of the technique. • Graphic and written step-by-step description of the technique. • Learner application of technique on self or assistant. • Prepare patient for taping, relevant to each specific application. • Understand intended benefits of each therapeutic application. • Apply tape properly based on diagnosis and need. Level 2: Mastering the Chain SUMMARY: Demonstration practice of the provider applications using the concepts of regional inter-dependents and tensegrity to enhance functional movement pattern. An introduction of NASM and SFMA functional evaluation procedures will be reviewed as an example of a mechanism of determining measurable outcomes. LEARNING OBJECTIVES:: Attendee will learn taping techniques through a multi-step process for each application. The process will include for each specific taping application: • Description of therapeutic intent of the technique. • Learner application of technique on self or assistant. • Prepare patient for taping, relevant to each specific application. • Understand intended benefits of each therapeutic application. • Apply tape properly based on movement pattern, diagnosis and need. Functional Movement Evaluation SUMMARY: This hands-on program effectively teaches quick and easy in office procedures to identify effective functional pattern deficiencies efficiently. These movement patterns detect compensatory patterns that prevent or prolong patient recovery. More than just identifying what is wrong is determining effective easy to implement passive and active treatment interventions. This program provides a paradigm of effective reimbursable treatment. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendees will understand the significance of regional inter-dependents and its consequences on patient recovery. They will understand the concept of periodization in terms of affecting mobility, stability via inhibition, lengthening, activation and functional integration. Low Tech Rehab SUMMARY: The course is designed to convey general and specific concepts, methods, and applications of functional training and exercise therapy for the Chiropractic practice. The role of integrating movement assessments and exercise therapy in the office is trained with hands-on workshop time. The concepts of periodized patient progression through flexibility, mobility, stability, proprioception, endurance, strength, power and finally speed in a rehabilitation program. The laboratory portion of the course provides first-hand experiences that inform, illustrate and reinforce major concepts discussed in lecture. The course will begin with an overview of types of exercises used in the office. Body-weight, as well as band and ball exercises will be a major focus. Participants will perform exercises in the lab and with the clinical relevance of the activities. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendees will understand the significance of the concept of periodization in terms of affecting mobility, stability via inhibition, lengthening, activation and functional integration. They will be able to develop a relevant rehabilitation plan and understand the basics of proper equipment and principles, including bands, balls, and other tools. Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization: Basics: SUMMARY: The course is designed to convey general and specific concepts, methods, and applications of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization for the Chiropractic practice. It will review the concepts of mechanical transduction, afferent stimulation, fluid redistribution and fascial disruption. The application techniques will be demonstrated. Risks and benefits will be reviewed as well as practice integration. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Attendees will understand the significance of the physiological concepts behind the application of IASTM. They will learn indications and contraindications for this form of therapy. Lessons learned from the Joint Commission and Sports Medicine and Science SUMMARY: This is a TED Talks style lecture on multiple topics that focuses on prevailing subject matter, general health, practice building via integration of public health matters. The subject matter changes and is dynamic with the interest of the class. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The attendee will understand the impact and role of healthcare on health and how to address patient mortality. They will learn how to integrate public health issues into their practice and use it to help market and grow their business. Topics include 25 ever changing topics. Some of which are:
Ankle sprain: SUMMARY: This program will review the diagnostic criteria treatment protocols and surprisingly high complication rate of the most common Sports injury. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The attendee will develop basic confidence to evaluate and develop an appropriate rehabilitation program for the skill level of the patient and grade of entry. Plantar fasciitis SUMMARY: This program will examine if I mechanical ideology a planter fasciitis. It will examine common misdiagnoses leading to failed outcomes. Concepts of regional inter-dependents will be reviewed, and attendees will learn periodization for rehabilitation. Multi-modal treatment and procedures including manipulation, taping and bracing for therapeutic management will be demonstrated. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The attendee will develop a thorough understanding of the diagnosis and common secondary complications associated with planter fasciitis. They will learn how to implement an effective treatment plan for various grades of plantar fasciitis. Common lower extremity manipulation SUMMARY: This program is a hands-on demonstration of effective lower extremity manipulative procedures associated with common pathologies and functional movement deficit. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The attendee will learn the rationale and step-by-step procedure for each of the common lower extremity manipulative procedures. They will develop an understanding of body mechanics, patient positioning and impulse thrust direction to safely perform therapeutic procedure. Foot stability Taping - Hands-on SUMMARY: This hands-on program will review indications and contraindications as well as measurable outcomes and rationale for foot stability taping. These taping procedures provide a screening protocol for success of orthotic prescription and a periodized approach to various tape applications which will be practiced and demonstrated using rigid and elastic tape. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The attendee will learn the importance of regional interdependence in terms of the role foot mechanics plays on the kinetic chain. They will develop a basic understanding and skill to apply tape to the foot to increase both mechanical and proprioceptive stability. |