Manipulation is the hallmark of chiropractic care, which was first developed by D.D. Palmer over 100 years ago. The chiropractic adjustment, as it is commonly referred, is the key element in the treatment of both spinal conditions and the extremities.
Manipulation is generally a painless procedure and can be provided through a variety of techniques. To be therapeutic, the adjustment must be directed in a very specific direction. During this process, a joint is moderately distracted while a shallow thrust is applied through a dysfunctional joint space to restore normal function and position of a joint. This thrust moves the joint into what is called “the paraphysiological space”, which may produce an audible ‘popping’ sound. This sound is simply a pressure change within the joint whereby C02, in a liquid form, transforms into a gas under pressure change. The same type of popping sound occurs when you open a carbonated beverage. After the manipulation the distance between the joint surfaces are increased, reducing joint compression. Various neurologic reflexes are stimulated in the joint capsule and surrounding musculature that aid in muscle tension reduction and body awareness.
If a joint is not moving in its complete or proper range of motion, an adjacent joint will compensate by altering its position or range of motion. This dysfunctional joint movement will predispose other parts of the body to compensatory injury. Manipulation works by restoring normal joint function and position and reduce the need for compensation by other joints.
Joint alignment is extremely important because of joint congruity. A joint mal-position is similar to a congruent stack of bowls. When a bowl is moved 1/4 of an inch on another only a small rim will remain in contact with the cereal bowl below. According to James Cyriax, a British orthopedic surgeon, a mal-position of 1 mm in spinal vertebrae will change the articular congruity 98%. This means the amount of contact surface between joints changed dramatically with very small displacement. The resulting lack of congruity can cause early degenerative changes. By restoring alignment and proper joint function, chiropractic manipulative therapy is the key element in the treatment of a wide range of conditions.